Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Day At Work

Weight: 140.0
Pain areas: 1.5/10 (little aches all over)
Nausea: 0.5/10
General Attitude: Positive
Swallowing Difficulty: 5/10
Medications: Prevacid, Vitamin E, Multivitamin, Tylenol
Side-Effects: I've noticed a slight difference in my driving ability - for the worse. Although, it could be the fact that I haven't driven for nearly a week (I had people drive me around).

I decided to go to work today. Nothing much else happened.

I did manage to read an interesting article on digg, however. It's about the possibility of there being Parallel Universes. How cool is that?! I've always been a big fan of scientific insights (and SCI-FI in general), so this has crossed my mind countless times in the past and even more now. I've never told anyone this before but when I was growing up as a little kid (well, I still do it to this day) whenever I'd make mistakes I would send messages to my other "selves" telepathecally (the ones in the parallel universes; are you still with me?) on how to avoid them. But of course, I'd never get any warnings back from them telling me to be careful of this or that. It may sound stupid, but I don't care. =P

But what if it were really true? What if there really are multiple universes out there? There could be another "me" in another universe who doesn't even have cancer. There could also be another "me" who died in a motorcycle accident (which, BTW, I thought might actually happen). If its the latter, I'm glad I'm in this particular reality. This stuff really makes you think, doesn't it? One of the reasons why I love sci-fi so much.

Go ahead and tickle your funny bone by reading some Cancertainment here!

I like this one the best:

Top 10 Responses To Nosy Questions About Scars

10. Never go to Mother's Tattoo Parlor when you're high.
9. You think that's bad, you should see the exit wound.
8. I self-mutilate. Don't you?
7. Those damn flesh-eating bacteria are spreading, slowly but surely.
6. That's where the government put the chip to track my movements.
5. It's the only way to smuggle drugs these days.
4. What scar? What are you talking about? Oh my God! That's HUGE!
3. I had to sell organs to get off the street.
2. I should have listened when Mom said not to scratch that mosquito bite.
1. That's where my Siamese twin was attached.

Some "interesting" things I did today:
1. Signed up with My username is "josephj"
2. hmmm...