Weight: 141.4
Pain areas: none, really
Numbness: none, really
Nightsweat: none, really
Nausea: 3 out of 10
General Attitude: Positive
Swallowing: little better than yesterday
Medications: Prevacid, Prochlorperazine (Compazine), Vitamin
E, Multivitamin, Green tea
Its the day after my first chemo treatment and I feel mostly OK; it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. All of the side affects have so far been minor:
1. slight nausea (which I'm taking compazine for)
2. almost a burning sensation in my cheeks when I start to eat, lasts about 10 seconds.
3. slight sensitivity to anything cold. I guess no more ice cream for a while =(
4. I did notice that when I was showering this morning that about 20 hairs feel out of my head. Maybe the same amount fell out before I started chemo, but I'm just starting to notice it now.
5. slight taste difference in foods; I'd say some foods taste a little more bland than usual. Others taste outright disgusting (try eating grapes with green tea w/ ginger).
The thing I hate the most though, is carrying my portable infusion pump with me - its a hassle of just taking it everywhere with me and the fact that it gets in the way and also the noise it makes every 25 seconds or so. Good thing I get to return it tomorrow!
One of the important things that I have to lookout for now is my white cell count - which is part of the immune system response. Chemo tends to lower these and many other 'good' cells while destroying cancer cells. This just means that I have to be extra careful about getting sick from now on. So don't be offended if I start putting on Purell after we shake hands, ok?