Weight: 138.4
Pain: 1/10
Nausea: 3/10
Depression: 3/10
Swallowing Difficulty: 3/10
Medications: Prevacid, Vitamin E, Multivitamin, Compazine
Same level of tiredness as yesterday and also feeling dehydrated (even when I think I've drank enough water). I also feel a little warmer than usual - hopefully its nothing serious. Maybe its just the outside temperature.
Its 5pm and I'm still at work on a Friday. Just a few hours ago I was so tired that I had to step out of the office and take a short nap in my car - I could not function at all it was that bad. And If Mike is reading this (my boss), I'm just kidding. LOL. I'm guessing the tiredness is from my lower-than-usual blood counts from the chemo - especially red blood cells.
Well, I've been doing more research on ways to avoid the side effects and one that really works for me is music. I've read a report that claims a reduction of 30% in the symptoms caused by cancer treatments just from music therapy, which seems really impressive. For me, it might even be up to 50% depending on the track thats playing (I'm not kidding!). Its just all about matching the right track to my current mood at the time which isn't as easy. And it certainly helps a lot if you have a real appreciation of music to begin with.
I'm currently building up a playlist of the tracks that really do it for me, I'll post it up when I'm done with it (which might take some time). Stay tuned!
Now if only there was a way that Last.FM could keep track of your mood changes when playing a track...hmmm...