Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Have My Bike Again! Yay!

Weight: 138.4
Pain: 1/10
Nausea: 0/10
Depression: 1/10
Swallowing Difficulty: 4/10
Medications: Vitamin E, Multivitamin, Tylenol, Cephalexin, Imodium AD

Some new symptoms showed up, possibly from the chemo: I'm starting to get mouth sores and a little diarrhea. Although, the latter could be because of my antibiotics. And of course, my hair is still falling out but its hardly noticeable since I had thick hair to begin with. Maybe in a month it'll start to really show.

I moved my Ninja 250 from my mom's place over to the apartment. Here is what it looks like:

The car right behind it is my 2005 Toyota Corolla.