Weight: 135
Pain: 0/10
Nausea: 0/10
Depression: 1/10
Tiredness: 0/10
Swallowing Difficulty: 1/10
Well, looks like I'm going to go through with it after all. The surgery is scheduled for next week on 2/21! I have 7 days before my life will forever be changed...hmmm, I'm not sure how to spend that time, but I'll think of something special. I also have pre-operative tasks to complete next week before surgery - pulmonary function test, another endoscopic ultrasound, and an EKG. All of that is just to prepare me for surgery....fun, fun, fun, heh.
I'm not as worried about surgery as before (most likely from all the medications I'm taking), so I'm not too anxious or depressed over it (just a little). Talking with my surgeon helped a lot in calming me down and this surgery is certainly the best course for me to avoid re-occurance.
Don't worry, I'll keep you all posted.
...thanks for the card, Linda B! =)