Weight: 136.8 (guess)
Pain areas: Throat areas, esp. when swallowing. Heartburn isn’t as bad now-a-days.
General Attitude: Positive
I spent the day yesterday half at work and half with Brian and Eric golfing (it was my first time). I ended up leaving work early since I felt like it – who in their right mind would stay and fix bugs at work while they’re battling cancer? Its almost unimaginable for me to show up at work in the first place. Vaibhav was right – I should be taking my days off and just relaxing without worrying about work. And so it is. Going golfing was OK – it was a little exhausting for me since I feel noticeably weaker; but I didn’t want to disappoint them by telling them that I couldn’t go.
I woke up today pretty sweaty – but not too sweaty that it soaked the bed. My shirt was pretty moist, however. I could only imagine how moist I would be without the fan blowing towards me. My uvula is very sore now – and so is the back of my throat. Is it from my stomach acid or was it an accident from Dr. Ferrell?
I worry everyday that I might get worse. Its mentally and physically draining; only the people who have been through it really knows how it feels. It is a truly humbling experience – and an extremely life-altering situation that forces one to overlook the petty problems in life (even some big ones). Be it a cliché, but life is really too short to argue about the small things. I’m only beginning to understand this. If there was one person on this Earth who worries about the smallest things that would have been me. Is this my lesson in life?